My mission has been to discover what truly works in the realms of human effectiveness, change, interpersonal communications, and systemic thinking and then to share it with others. I provide training and skill development with the highest possible quality, integrity, and with a deep commitment to the personal and professional development of each person with whom I work.
Tim Hallbom,
Tim Hallbom is an international trainer and developer. He is the co-author of the books, Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-being; NLP: The New Technology of Achievement; Coaching in the Workplace, and Innovations in NLP. He is also the author of several published articles on management, ethics and change. He recently finished a new book (with Nick LeForce and Kris Hallbom) Powerful Questions and Techniques for Coaches and Therapists.
Tim is dedicated to helping individuals have life changing breakthroughs and organizations experience fundamental improvements. He has provided training in how to work effectively with people in a practical way in 25 countries. Tim has also worked with Kris Hallbom to develop The WealthyMind Seminar and Trainers Training (
Tim has contributed significantly to the body of knowledge in the field of NLP. He has refined and championed such processes as re-imprinting, the Counter-example process for allergies, integrating conflicting beliefs and using eye-accessing cues for discovery and change and many more.
He has also developed a number of techniques, including ones for changing limiting beliefs, resolving traumas and working with PTSD, working with double binds and improving health challenges, and giving forgiveness. He is the co-developer (with Kris Hallbom) of the Dynamic Spin Processes, a group of related methods for helping to release unwanted emotional responses, negative thought processes and help resolve physical issues.
Interview with Tim
In 2018, Tim sat down for an interview in Tokyo, Japan to discuss his NLP journey.